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European Partnership of Air Force Associations (EPAA)

The European Partnership of Air Force Associations was established in 2003 by the Air Force Associations of four countries: Belgium, France, Germany and Italy.

The EPAA is open to all European Air Force Associations which must have no political aim or affiliation, must respects all religions and races and must observe the principles of democracy. The aims of EPAA are:

  • Promote the concept of European Security and Defense among the European citizens, especially the youth;

  • Support the European Air Forces;

  • Maintain and highlight European aviator's history and traditions;

  • Enlarge the Association to all EU Air Force Associations;

  • Promote friendship links among its members;

  • Maintain close links with the Associations of other Armed Forces;

  • Organize activities related to the goals mentioned above, also in cooperation with EU authorities, when possible.


Decisions and activities of EPAA are brought forward by a Steering Committee composed by two members of each nation present in the Partnership.The presidency of EPAA is held by each of the nations present in the Partnership by a rotating appointment held for two years. The presidency rotates in alphabetical order, using the English names of the participating nations. The Presidents of the member Associations meet on request of the President in office.


Download the EPAA Statute and reference manual (last update nov. 2012)

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Nations (alphabetical order):



Association des Officiers de Riserve et Ancien Officiers de la Force Aerienne

Rue Montoyer 10

<< La Maison des Ailes >>

1000 Bruxelles


Bulgarian Republic

Bulgarian Aviation Association - BAA

BL VD Tzarigradsko Skosse 11



Czek Republic

Airmen Czek Association

Vydava SL CR, Letiste Kbely

197 06 Praha 9



Association Nationale des Officiers de Reserve de L’Armee de l’Air

Avenue de La Porte de Sevres, 5 bis

Paris 00460



German Air Force Association

Interessengemeinschaft Deutsche Luftwaffe E.V.

Luftwaffenkaserne WAHN

Postfach 906110/529

51147 Köln



Associazione Arma Aeronautica

Via Marcantonio Colonna 23-25

00192 Roma





Asociatia Romania pentru Propganda si Istoria Aeronauticii

Str. Mircea Vulcanescu 125-127

Sectorul 1





Slovak Republic

Slovak Arimen Association of Gen. Dr. M.R. Stafanik (SAA)

Hviezdoslavova 16

911 27 Trencin




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